Budgeting Planning Software

The basics for creating are budget are to ensure your expenses are not more than your income.  Whilst you can do this with pen and paper it is much better to use budget management software as you can closely track your spending.   When you are preparing your budget it is also important to set financial goals so you can make a plan of how to achieve your goals.  Over time you can see how your expenditure changes and what you are actually spending your money on.

One such program is Easy Budget.  This personal finance and budgeting program has been designed to be used by people with no financial background.  It tracks your bank accounts, investments, assets, income and expenses.  You program into it what you require in regards to income type and expenditure.


Easy budget allows you to track your daily expenses and save money as you can easily see where you are over spending.  You can generate reports and graphs that can easily show you how your budget is holding up.

You only pay once for this system as there is no ongoing subscription costs with all upgrades and updates being free.  It can also be used on multiple PC’s that you own.

Using budgeting software actually saves you money over time as you are more conscious of where you money is going.  You tend to think twice about what you purchase as you have to enter it into the software and the software doesn’t lie about what you are spending.  The Easy Budget Software shows you clearly how much your daily cup of coffee is actually costing you.  If you pay $4 for a cup of coffee on your way to work five days per week, over the course of a year you are spending $960 per year on coffee (taking into account four weeks annual leave).  Could you think of better uses for that $960?  I can.


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